Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Brain Fart and a Chicken In the Oven.

Brain Fart: a temporary lapse of cognitive function that often results in momentary and sometimes humorous behaviors. 

 That happened to me today, only it happened in the middle of church while my husband was giving a sermon!

Josh was giving a lesson tonight on how the Bible is the standard by which we should measure our lives and our faith. He was telling us that we should regularly "test our faith" to make sure it measured up to God's standards. As an example, he told us about how he cleaned out the baptistry and had to use little test strips to measure the chlorine in the water.  In the same way that it's important for him to keep those chlorine levels right, it's important for us to keep our faith levels right. He proceeded to give a few more of those examples was how we monitor the temperature of a chicken cooking in the oven.

Then the brain fart happened. 

I was following along quite nicely until the chicken showed up. I totally got how chlorine test strips, measuring tapes and thermometers related to my christian walk, but then my husband, my dear sweet, preacher husband said the words:

"Take the temperature.......of a chicken...."

PAUSE! If you know me much at all, you know that my brain works in pictures. I visualize everything. Most times, it works out good, but sometimes my imagination gets the best of me.

So when my dear sweet husband compared keeping our christian walks in check to taking the temperature of a chicken, the pictures in my mind started flying. The picture I should have landed on was  this one: A roast chicken with a meat thermometer sticking out of it, but instead, I got an image of someone holding a live, clucking, wing-flapping, clawing, uncooperative banny and trying to either hold a thermometer under its wing or in its beak! It did not make sense! Why would you want to take the temperature of a chicken?

"A CHICKEN?!!!" I said to myself......or at least I thought I'd said it to myself.

The laughter began, and shoulders around me started shaking, I realized that the thought that I thought that I thunk to myself, I really thunk out loud!

As the laughing quieted, my husband finished the thought I interrupted with a little grin at my little brain fart,

".....a chicken.....a chicken in the oven."

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