Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Good Old Days are What You Make It

     The other night, I did something I don't often do. I watched the news. While I was watching it, something struck me curious. It struck me that people have this curious habit of longing for "the Good Old Days." We compare today to the memories of the past, complain about the differences and the deficits in morality as if these problems are only exacerbated by the present age.

      The news program, after the actual news was over, was dedicated to spotlighting people who are "bringing back" the iconic spirit and values of the family and the American people from the glory days after World War II.  An injured Iraq War vet was "bringing back the value of community support" by being a good neighbor and rallying communities to retrofit houses for other injured veterans after his community did the same for him. They showed images of soldiers returning from war after WWII treated like heroes with parades in the streets. Then, they showed today's soldiers struggling with injuries and poor support as if to say America, and society in general, have lost all respect for the military.

Then, they spotlighted a famous NBA player who was "bringing back the image of fatherhood from the 1950's" by being a good father himself. They bragged about his efforts to encourage other men and boys to do the same. Then they showed images of1940's and 50's families smiling and eating supper together around the dinner table followed by talk of today's families, as if dysfunctional families are something new to the current age.

 "Is there anything of which one might say, 'see this is new'? Already it has existed for ages which were before us. There is no remembrance of earlier things; or of things that will occur later."
Ecclesiastes 1:10-11a

The 1940's and 50's may have been great.  I don't know, I wasn't there. I do not suggest that better days have never been. Nor do I ignore the evils of this age. I simply say that the evils that are said to be "more rampant now than ever" have always been and always will be present. Teenagers still got pregnant. Men and women still left their spouses and families. Homosexuals may have been censored from the television, but they still existed and they still spoke out. There were crappy fathers, shoddy leaders, and less than admirable characteristics in society.

Sin has always been around. I doubt it occurred throughout history and kindly skipped the 1950's just to return with eroding vengeance in the current age. The "Glory Days," whatever they may be, had problems too. The vehicles by which the evils come may advance but the sins themselves will not. Times have changed, but sins have not. Let not retrospect be your guise for discontentment.

The "Good Old Days" can stick it, because the "Good Old Days" are what we make it. As for me, I choose to make today, THIS DAY, a good old day by doing what the Bible says (Ecclesiastes 12:13), and finding joy in my day  and its activities (Ecclesiastes 3:22). I know then, that Christ will give me strength to be content with wherever I am (Philippians 4:11-13). I won't have to look back longingly at days gone by, and you won't either. Follow God, and He'll help you and me both to make today a "Good Old Day."

1 comment:

  1. great post! that is almost exactly what ive been thinking
