Thursday, July 26, 2012

Shadrach, Meshach, and a Chicken Sandwich

I'm sure you've heard about Dan Cathy's controversial comments about gay marriage in the last few days. I'm sure you've heard about the public backlash he and his company have gotten from one side and the subsequent uprising of support from the other. You might be angry with Mr. Cathy for taking the stance he did, or you may be angry at the mayors in the big cities who are trying to decrease their business. I've heard from my conservative fellows everything from angry outcries about our country going to pot to heartfelt worries about the company falling apart or concerns about losing our own religious freedom.

I know that as Americans, we are supposed to have the right to "free speech,"  and the "freedom of religion." Our government claims to uphold "the seperation of church and state." But truly, what "freedom" do we really have? This case with Chick-Fil-A, has made me think, perhaps, we really only have the freedom to speak freely as long as we don't speak too loudly. We're allowed to believe what we want as long as we don't believe too strongly. Should we ever stand too firmly, we're subject to persecution. Maybe that persecution won't come via bullets and imprisonment, but it comes none the less.

I know it's scary to see people getting in so much hot water for taking an unpopular Biblical stance in a country that's supposed to be "free," and it's easy to start to wonder how long it will be before the persecution Christians face changes to the more violent and deadly kind. But don't be afraid. Jesus said this would happen. He said, "If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you." (John 15:20). Paul warned the early Christians too saying,  "Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." II Timothy 3:12.

 If you want to live a godly life, you'll have troubles. Simple as that, but you can take comfort in the fact that when you live for God, speak his truth, and stand up for him, the God you're serving has got your back. Remember Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego? They were faced with the choice to follow the crowd and bow to an idol or stand up for God. They stood up for God, and God, in return, stood up for them. When they were thrown into the furnace that should have killed them just from being close to it, God brought them out without a burn!

Mr. Cathy and his company may face a load of troubles for standing up for God. No matter how "free" our country is supposed to be, you and I will too, albeit on a smaller scale perhaps, if we choose to truly live as Christians. But don't be afraid. Don't worry. God has your back. Have the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Dan Cathy's chicken sandwich.


1 comment:

  1. So right, Laura...God EVEN brought those 3 Hebrews OUT on the OTHER SIDE without a singed hair!!!!!
